1) What is stage 1 of Phagocytosis? a) The phagocyte detects a pathogen b) The phagocyte migrates towards the pathogen c) the pathogen is killed and digested d) Cytoplasm surrounds and engulfs pathogen; 2) What is stage 2 of Phagocytosis? a) The phagocyte detects a pathogen b) The phagocyte migrates towards the pathogen c) The pathogen is killed and digested d) Cytoplasm surrounds and engulfs pathogen; 3) What is stage 3 of Phagocytosis? a) The phagocyte detects a pathogen b) The phagocyte migrates towards the pathogen c) The pathogen is killed and digested d) Cytoplasm surrounds and engulfs pathogen; 4) What is stage 4 of Phagocytosis? a) The phagocyte detects a pathogen b) The phagocyte migrates towards the pathogen c) The pathogen is killed and digested d) Cytoplasm surrounds and engulfs pathogen; 5) Where are lymphocytes found? a) On the skin b) Blood or lymph nodes c) In the lungs d) In the brain 6) Where are lymphocytes made? a) In the heart b) In red blood cells c) In the bone marrow d) In the stomach 7) A white blood cell that detects, surrounds, engulfs and digests pathogens is known as... a) Lymphocyte b) Antibodies c) Phagocyte 8) A white blood cell that produces antibodies in response to foreign antigens. a) Lymphocyte b) Antibodies c) Phagocyte 9) Produced by lymphocytes attaching to the antigen found on the surface of the pathogens. a) Lymphocyte b) Antibodies c) Phagocyte 10) White bloods cells which remember what specific antibody to make eg chickenpox antibody. a) Antigen b) Memory cells c) Phagocyte

Microbes Year 10


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