Mr. Smith had a bad cold last year. - Mr. Smith didn't have a bad cold last year./ Did Mr. Smith have a bad cold last year?, The kids are eating ice cream at the park. - The kids aren't eating ice cream at the park., Your brother rode *a horse* very well. - What did your brother ride very well?, You mailed a letter *last week*. - When did you mail a letter?, Did your father get a haircut on Monday? No, - No, he didn't. He didn't get a haircut on Monday., Are their friends going to fight? (play) - No, they aren't. They are going to play., Do I want a glass of lemonade? Yes, - Yes, you do. You want a glass of lemonade., Does the baby eat cotton candy? (nuts) - No, he doesn't. He eats nuts., Will her little brother go on a ride? Yes, - Yes, he will. He will go on a ride., Are you and your friend playing video games? (study English) - No, we aren't. We are studying English.,

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