When did French writer André Breton start Surrealism? - In 1920s., Name at least two surrealist artists.  - Salvador Dalí, René Magritte, Dorothea Tanning, Eileen Agar,..., How many main types of surrealist art are there? - Two. , Where did Salvador Dalí find inspiration for some of his paintings? - In his dreams. , What nationality was Dorothea Tanning?  - American., What is the name of Surrealist art which was made without thinking? - Automatism. , Name a Spanish Automatism artist.  - Joan Miró., Which Spanish Surrealist artist was known for his eccentric (uncommon) behaviour?  - Salvador Dalí., Where can we see Surrealism's influence today? - In wacky adverts, video games, comic book films, etc., Who is the author of  'Telefono Aragosta' ('Lobster Telephone')? - Salvador Dalí.,

What is Surrealism? CLIL (Art & Design)

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