1) I ............going shopping a) afford b) feel like c) agree 2) I .......cleaning my room a) agree b) allow c) don't mind 3) My mum ........coooking. She doesn't like it a) avoids b) hopes c) invites 4) He .........doing Maths exercise an hour ago a) cooked b) finished c) hoped 5) I ................drinking tea in the morning a) are used to b) am used to c) is used to 6) I ............ in speaking Spanish a) offer b) need c) have difficulty 7) I ..........................learning English:) a) would like b) spend time c) want 8) It's ...................... going to the cinema a) persuade b) not worth c) offer 9) I ........................cooking with Jan a) decide b) choose c) practise 10) I ...................living in a villa in Florida a) want b) seem c) imagine

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