Chromosomes - Tiny thread-like structures composed of DNA and other genetic materials., DNA - Found in most organisms that contains the genetic information needed for development, function, growth and reproduction. , Molecules - Units of matter that are made up of more than one atom., Nucleus - Contains all the genetic material of a cell., Traits - A distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically belonging to a person., Inherited Traits - A characteristic that is determined by an individual's DNA. This is typically passed down by parents, and their ancestors, to the offsprings., Variatons - The difference in genes between individual or groups of individuals., Mutations - Random changes in the instructions genes carry., Fossils  - Preserved evidence of an organism , Natural Selection - Members of a population that are more successful at finding food and mates , Evolutionary Adaption - The mechanism by which an animal or plant alters itself to accommodate its changing environment,, Behavioral Adaptation  - The organism changes how it interacts with its environmental surroundings as well as other animals and plants., Homologous Structure - Is a structure shared between different organisms which evolved from a common ancestor, Genetically modified organisms ( GMO's) - Organisms that have had their DNA changed using science,

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