What is a fraction? - A part of a whole., What is a denominator? - the number that shows how many a whole has been split into. , What is a numerator? - How many pieces you of the whole you have., What is 1/2 of 12 - 6, How many equal parts are there in 1/2 - 2, what is 1/4 of 32 - 8, What fraction is shown? - 1/3 (one third), What is 1/2 of 50 - 25, 1/2 of __ = 30 - 60, What fraction is shown? - 1/10, How many equal parts are there in 1/4 - 4, What is 1/4 of 100 - 25, What fraction is shown? - 1/4, It is not in equal parts, what is 1/4 of 12 - 3, what is 1/3 of 15 - 5 ,

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