po - by mouth, orally, g - gram - dry weight measure, gr - grains - dry weight of medication, gt - drop, prn - As needed, hs - at bedtime, h - By hour, d - day, q - every, bid - Twice a day, tid - Three times a day, qid - Four times a day, pc - after meals, mg - milligram, pil - pill, mL - milliliter - liquid volume, qd - every day, q2h - every two hours, Cap - Capsule, Tab - Tablet, IM - Intramuscular, Exlir - liquid or syrup, Supp - Suppository (medicine administered into the anus), Ac - before meals, qh - every hour, Sig - patient instructions, U - unit, T with dot over it - One Tablet,

Medication Abbreviation

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