be a live wire, My friend must've spent ages over...., ...... are incredidly accurate, ..... are beautifully presented, It's thanks to ..... I chose to ...., not suffer fools gladly, ...... not come to one's exacting standards, It upsets me at the time ......., I sometimes hold it against my....., The person I most look up to is...., What I've always admired is ....., stick at things in the face of big setbacks, ..... is regarded as a heartthrob, hit the big time, at one stage (на одном з этапов), If I had to name somebody who's had a big influence on me, It's be...., .... is always up for a challenge, I love my ..... to bits. (very much) , I usually blame .... if my plans go pear-shaped, I hope to emulate the success of ...., I never cease to be amazed at ( the number of...).

Expert WB Listening p 21

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