1. Are you doing _________ tonight? Why (not)?, 2. _________ called when you were out. When was the last time _________ phoned you while you were out?, 3. I've seen your wallet ________, but I can't remember where. When was the last time you forgot something?, 4. There is __________ interesting on TV tonight. Let's go out! What do you do to relax at night?, 5. Did ________ call while I was out? When was the last time you sent a message to someone?, 6. Did you go _________ exciting on the weekend? What are you doing this weekend?, 7. I bought you _________ really nice for your birthday. What did you get for your LAST b-day?, 8. I am a chocaholic. I love ________ kind of chocolate. How about you?, 9. I rang the doorbell, but __________ answered. Who usually opens the door at your place?, 10. We went shopping, but we didn't buy ____________. When was the LAST time you bought something for yourself?, 11. Do you need _______ help with your homework? How do you organize your routine to use PLATAFORMA GAMIFICADA?, 12. I never said ____________  about our friendship. When was the time you told a secret?, 13. He isn't home and ___________ knows where he went. Have you ever lied about where you were going?, 14. ______________ is here!!!! So, we can start the meeting now. Have you ever been late to any important event lately?, 15. Would you like __________ water now? How much water do you drink a day?.


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