BAKERY - Where can you buy a bread?, BOOKSTORE - Where can you buy a book?, GREENGROCER - Where can you buy apples, lemons, and lettuce?, PHARMACY - You are ill. Where can you find medicine?, AMUSEMENT PARK - You can ride a roller coaster here., DRUGSTORE - The synonym of chemist's., MUSIC STORE - You can buy music CDs or plates here., POST OFFICE - Where can you buy stamps?, RESTAURANT - You can eat dishes here., THEATRE - There is a stage here. You can watch a play., CINEMA - You can go there and watch a movie with your friends., FLORIST - You can buy the most beautiful flowers for your mother., STADIUM - You can watch your favorite team's match here., BUTCHER - You can buy meat and meatballs here., ART GALLERY - We can go here and see wonderful art pieces., CAFE - We can go here and have a drink together., SHOPPING CENTER - I need new clothes. We can go here and buy something., CIRCUS - We can watch the performance of some animals here., LIBRARY - Where can you read or borrow a book?, SCHOOL - You can learn new things here with your teachers.,

Grade 7, Unit 8 - Public Buildings - Crossword

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