1) What's this? a) It's a pen b) It's a pencil c) It's a marker 2) What's this? a) It's a blue pen. b) It's a green pen. c) It's a black pen. 3) I have got ____ books. a) one b) two c) three 4) What's this? a) They are scissors. b) They are cissor. c) They are ssissorss. 5) What's this? a) It is a red ruler. b) It is a brown ruler. c) It is a violet ruler. 6) What colour is this eraser? a) It is blue and white. b) It is red and blue. c) It is blue and black. 7) I have got ... a) three crayons.  b) four crayons. c) two crayons. 8) this is a big ... a) sharpener. b) blackboard. c) pencil case. 9) What's this? a) It is an orange and red backpack. b) It is a yellow and brown backpack. c) It is a yellow and orange backpack. 10) I have got ... a) eight pencils. b) eleven pencils c) ten pencils.

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