1) ___________ is famous as the home of the U.S. Naval Academy. a) Annapolis b) Because of Annapolis c) Why Annapolis d) Because Annapolis 2) With _______ of sophisticated oil lamps, elaborate tools were made to cut the wicks. a) appeared b) the appearance c) the appearance was d) it appeared 3) Since ______ commercial risk, it has to appeal to a large audience to justify its cost. a) the face of the movie b) moving faces c) a movie faces d) to face a movie 4) Some scientists think _______ be a planet but a moon of Neptune. a) that Pluto does not seem b) not Pluto c) Pluto that might not d) that Pluto might not 5) Fort Union was the site of what _______ principal fur-trading post on the upper Missouri River. a) the b) being the c) was the d) it was the 6) Genes, _______ the blueprints for cell construction, exist in tightly organized packages called chromosomes. a) are b) they are c) which d) which are 7) A current of water known as the Gulf Stream comes up from the Gulf of Mexico, and then _______ the North Atlantic toward Europe. a) it crosses b) crossing c) with its crosses d) crosses it 8) Systems ______ the two symbols 0 and 1 are called binary number systems. a) use b) they use c) uses d) using 9) Oscar Hammerstein II collaborated with a number of composers including Jerome Kern, whom ______ in writing the musical Show Boat. a) joined b) was joined c) he joined d) joining 10) The Earth's atmosphere consists of gases ______ in place around the Earth by the gravitational pull of the planet. a) held b) hold c) it holds d) the hold 11) _______ drought-resistant plants which store water in fleshy tissue. a) Succulents are b) Succulents c) They are succulents d) Succulents which are 12) The first writing ______ evidence of is on Mesopotamian clay tablets. a) we b) that we c) has d) that we have 13) In some daguerreotype cameras, ________ through a hole in the back of the box. a) the object's view b) the object was viewed c) from the view of the object d) viewed the object 14) In Watch the Skies, Curtis Peebles _______ attempt to explain America's belief in flying saucers. a) makes a fascinating b) making a fascinating c) fascination with making d) fascination made a 15) __________, igneous rocks may be changed into gneisses. a) The temperature is high b) If the temperature is high c) High temperatures d) If high temperature 16) It is now known that Saturn __________ not the only planet in our solar system with rings. a) which b) be c) so d) is 17) _________ is essential for the plant life of the Amazon basin. a) It is an adequate rainfall b) Though an adequate rainfall c) Adequate rainfall d) Although an adequate rainfall 18) The Mediterranean monk seal is distinguished from the more familiar gray seal by _______ a) is a size b) its size c) is its size d) is size 19) Anthony Burgess, ________ as a novelist, was originally a student of music. a) because of being famous b) who achieved fame c) who because he was famous d) he achieved fame 20) Not until Edward Jenner developed the first anti-smallpox serum in 1796 _________ against this terrible disease. a) protection was b) did protection given c) it was protected d) was there protection 21) Early sailors, ________ sometimes in uncharted seas, faced many hazards in reaching their destination. a) navigating b) were navigated c) navigate d) and navigates 22) Not only are reindeer used for their hides and milk ___________. a) as well as pulling sleighs b) but they pull sleighs c) but for pulling sleights as well d) also to pull sleighs 23) Over the centuries, _________ that try to explain the origins of the university. a) although many theories b) many theories c) have many theories been d) there have been many theories 24) Constituting one of the earliest engineering techniques, ________ in Paleolithic time was done in order to extend natural caves. a) tunnels were built b) which built tunnels c) the building of tunnels d) tunnels where building 25) The tulip tree is native to the eastern United States, _______ the tallest and largest broadleaf tree. a) where b) where it is c) it is where d) is where 26) Although the weather in Martha's Vineyard isn't _________ to have a year-around tourist season, it has become a favourite summer resort. a) goodly enough b) good enough c) good as enough d) enough good 27) Calculus, ________ elegant and economical symbolic system, can reduce complex problems to simple terms. a) it is an b) that an c) an d) is an 28) Canada does not require that U.S. citizens obtain passports to enter the country, and _______. a) Mexico does neither b) Mexico doesn't either c) neither Mexico does d) either does Mexico 29) __________ the formation of the sun, the planets, and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar cloud. a) It accepted that b) Accepted that c) It is accepted that d) That is accepted 30) The examiner made us _______ our identification in order to be admitted to the test center. a) showing b) show c) showed d) to show

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