They (masculine) - ellos, They (feminine) - ellas, we (masculine) - nosotros, he  - Él, you (informal) - tú, I - yo , y'all (you plural, informal, SPAIN)  - vosotros, she - ella, Marta y yo  (mixed gender) - nosotros, Juan, Marcos y Rafael - ellos, tú y Julio (y'all in Spain)  - vosotros , mi madre y yo - nosotros, How are you? (talking to Sra. Jansey) - usted, How are you all ? (talking to 2 teachers) - ustedes, We are from México - nosotros, Anita y tú (you plural)  - Ustedes , Sara - Ella, Talking about Señor Brown - Él, Usted y Usted (you plural, Latin America) - Ustedes, tú y tú (you plural, Latin America) - Ustedes,

Flashcards Subject Pronouns Spanish

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