1) Which Country Was not the in the Allies a) USSR b) USA c) United Kingdom d) Free France e) Hungary f) Brazil 2) Which Country Had the Most Amount of Active Soldiers (1945)? a) USSR b) Germany c) Usa d) United Kingdom e) India f) Japan 3) Which Battle is the turning point of the war? (According to Most Historians) a) Dunkirk b) Kursk c) Stalingrad d) Pearl Harbour e) Midway f) D-Day 4) How Did the war start? a) Anchluss b) Annexation of Czechoslovakia c) Invasion of Poland d) Deannouncment Of Versailes e) Operation Barbarossa 5) Which Country was last to surrender? a) Germany b) Japan c) Italy d) Romania e) Bulgaria 6) Which Charge was the last German charge on eastern front a) Kursk b) Stalingrad c) Siege of Leningrad d) Kiev e) Minsk 7) When did Germany Surrender? a) 8th May b) 30th April c) 2th September d) 6th August e) 9th August 8) How did the Mussoline Died a) Killed by the Communist Partisans b) Natural Reasons  c) Died in the War d) Shot by Führer e) Car Accident 9) How did Führer Died a) Car Accident b) Died in the War c) Natural Reasons d) Suicide e) Assasination 10) Which Country Involved in the war (De Facto) a) Sweeden b) Finland c) Spain d) Turkey e) Switzerland

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