You need to w_____ up before you do any exercise - warm, My father got a loan from the back to help s_____ up the business - set, P_____ your phone in to the socket to charge it - plug, I need to c_____ down on Diet Coke - I drink too much - cut, We often e_____ out at the weekend - eat, My doctor told me I had to c_____ out dairy products because I have an allergy - cut, I need to p_____ back the money my father lent me - pay, I'll p_____ you up in the car at 6 o' clock - pick, The goalkeeper was s_____ off for a bad foul - sent, You seemed so happy together. Why did you b_____ up? - break, I need to get a better job. My salary isn't enough to l_____ on. - live, The flight's at 10.00, so we should s_____ off early. - set, I like to keep fit, so I w_____ out four or five times a week - work, I'll go to the cash machine and t_____ out some money - take, I really l_____ forward to dance class! - look, My brother and sister often f_____ out with each other. They argue a lot! - fall, You can l_____ for a job on the Internet - look, We've r_____ out of milk. Can you go to the shop? - run, W_____ out! You might get hit by a car - watch, Can you t_____ up the music? I can't hear it - turn,

Phrasal verbs English File Intermediate

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