Jumping Jacks with Chest Squeeze x 10, Push Ups x 10, Toy Soldiers x 10, Left foot balance for 30 seconds, Right foot balance for 30 seconds, Standing Russian Twists x 10, Plank 30 seconds, Run with High Knees 30 seconds, Grapevine x 10, Bridge "Wiggle" x 10, Rainbow Lunges (aka Alley Oops) x 10, Around the World Kicks for 30 seconds, Dead Bugs for 1 minute, Faux Jump Rope for 30 sec, Windshield Wipers x 10, Spin Around on Booty - 5 each direction, Star Jacks x 10, Faux Bicycle Pedals for 30 sec, Cha Cha Runs for 30 sec, Hide & Surprise (AKA Burpees) x 10.

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