This is the way someone says words and shows what country or region they come from - she speaks with an American accent | he’s got a strong (very noticeable) Yorkshire accent | She has a slight (not very noticeable) French accent | I lost my accent when I moved away from Wales, something that is correct or true in every detail: collocates: calculation/estimate - he accurately calculated the distance from the Earth to the Sun | the teacher monitors both fluency and accuracy | inaccurate data | our records are inaccurate, you have just enough of something, for example knowledge or money, so that you can do what you need to do - I’m not fluent in Spanish, but I can get by | I got by on £500 a month when I was a student | you could probably, When you can speak a language very well - I am fluent in spoken and written English | they both speak fluent French | Ed is a fluent speaker of Swedish and Danish | the teacher monitors both fluency and accuracy, When you learn to do something very very well. - when you’ve mastered this you can try something more difficult | I’ve not quite mastered the art of making bread | she didn’t have any problem mastering the steps, This refers to when you learn a new skill over a period of time without a lot of effort - she picked up some Spanish when she was living in Madrid | I never learned to play guitar properly - I just picked it up by watching videos | we picked up a few phrases from our German neighbours, When you try hard to do something you find very difficult  - Anna has always struggled with maths | we’re struggling to cope with the workload | this is a subject where I’m really struggling,

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