1) Why were the photographs Muybridge took of a horse important for cinema? a) Because they realized that the series of pictures put together created the illusion of movement. b) Because they could finally clarify the mystery about the horse's legs and if they were all in the air when galloping. c) Because it was the highest photography project ever paid. 2) The static wideshot was the perfect frame for: a) romance b) action c) comedy 3) You can describe films at the beginning of the 1920's as: a) dynamic and original b) static and boring c) colorful and vivid 4) Soviet montage theory was about the different ways shots could be compiled to achieve creative outcomes, like cutting to provoke emotions. a) True b) Flase 5) When did Americans add sound to movies? a) 1827 b) 1907 c) 1927 6) "Film noir" style was about ____. a) dark crime dramas. b) German style cuts to emphasize emotions. c) the western narrative genre. 7) Hitchcock was important because ____. a) he was the first to introduce soviet montage to american films b) he introduced color and sound to films c) he understood film like no other, he was a great director 8) The block  booking method was about major studios making cinemas buy multiple films as a unit up to a year in advance. a) True b) False 9) Alexandre Astruc argued that "the true creator of a film was in fact the producer" in his manifesto. a) True b) False 10) The French new wave was important because ______. a) they theorized about cinema and a new manifesto was born b) they created new techniques of filming such as the jumpcut c) they introduced top-notch directors

History of Film-Review

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