talk to the wall - used for saying that someone does not listen or react to you when you talk, play with fire - to act in a way that is very dangerous and to take risks, be over the moon - to be very pleased, bite off more than you can chew - to try to do something that is too difficult for you:, Keep up with the Joneses - to always want to own the same expensive objects and do the same things as your friends or neighbours, because you are worried about seeming less important socially than they are, a hot potato, fit like a glove - to be the perfect size and shape for someone:, Get off on the wrong foot - to make an unsuccessful start in something, one-track mind - to think about one particular thing and nothing else:, give someone a piece of your mind - to tell someone why you are angry with that person:, Lose your marbles - to become insane, Slip someone’s mind - to be forgotten, look like death warmed up - to look or feel very sick:,

C1 Idioms Advanced English 1/2

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