1) take the law into one's hands a) to try to punish someone for breaking a law even though one does not have the right to do that. b) to take the law from a place using ones hand and place it somewhere 2) charity begins at home a) used for saying that you should contribute to a charity which takes care of homes b) used for saying that you should look after yourself, your own family, friends, or country before you start helping other people 3) rob Peter to pay Paul a) to steal something from a person called Peter and give it to another person called Paul b) to borrow or take money from one person or source to fund or repay the debt of another. 4) kill two birds with one stone a) to solve two problems with one action or solution. b) to be able to kill two birds at the same time using only one stone 5) the law of the jungle a) the idea that animals in the jungle live according to some rules b) the idea that the strongest or most merciless in a society or group will survive 6) bridge the generation gap a) to built a bridge for older people so that they can get to a place faster b) do something in order to reduce the lack of understanding or the differences between older people and younger people 7) foot the bill for something a) to pay for something that is expensive or that someone else should be paying for b) to ask somebody to pay an expensive bill for you 8) do something against the law a) do something not allowed by the law /rules b) do something to change the law/rules 9) race against the clock a) to try very hard to finish something before a particular time b) run/ swim for 24 hours 10) win against al odds a) achieve something although there were a lot of problems and you were not likely to succeed b) achieve something that is very unusual /odd 11) do something against one's better judgement a) do something you think it would be wiser not to do b) do something you are not allowed to do 12) go against one's principles a) do something in opposition or contrary to one's values or beliefs, such as those of religion, ethics, or ideology b) disagree with one's ideas or beliefs related to politics, religion,..


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