haughty (adj.) - arrogantly superior, flummoxed (adj.) - completely unable to understand; utterly confused; bewildered, audacious (adj.) - showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks, conspirator (n.) - a person who plots with others to do something harmful or unlawful, solemn (adj.) - grave; serious, rune (n.) - a mark or letter of mysterious or magical significance, abreast (adv.) - alongside each other, facing the same direction, obstinately (adj.) - stubbornly not doing what others want, prudent (adj.) - acting with or showing care and thought for the future; sensible, remuneration (n.) - payment for work and/or expenses, reverence (n.) - deep respect or honor for someone or something, necromancer (n.) - a magician who works with dead things or who tries to summon the dead,


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