presents - you put there in nice paper and give them to someone on their birthday or at Christmas, for example, a post office - this is the place which you should go to if you want to send lettersu want to send letters, a kangaroo - this animal's body lives in a pocket on it's mother's stomach when it is smal, poscards - people buy these to write and tell their friends about their holiday. they often have nice pictures on them., a camel - this animal usually lives in hit, dry places and it can walk for months without any water, a cinema - ou should go to this place if you want to see a film, an address - if you write this on the envelop, your letter goes to the right place, a library - if you want a book, but you don't want to buy one, you can get one from there, a dolphin - this animal is one of the cleverest animals in the world and it lives in the sea, newspapers - journalists write for these, photographers take pictures for them and people read them every day, a museum - you should go to this place if you like history and you want to look an old things, a station - you can go to this place when you need to take a train., nurses - these people wear uniforms and they help people who are ill,

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