1) I___________ play football 3 times a week, but now I play basketball. a) used to b) use to c) used 2) My mother is angry, because her child______ finished his breakfast yet. a) didn't b) has not c) have not 3) I want _________ to Turkey this summer. a) go b) to go c) going 4) I came home, while my kids _____________. a) have been watched b) are watching c) were watching TV 5) The car is big _________ a) a lot b) enough c) very much 6) My friends will come for dinner. Do we have _________ food for the dinner? a) very much b) much c) enough 7) I can't buy this ring. It is ________ expensive for me now. a) too b) much c) a lot 8) I would like ___________ a cup of tea. a) drink b) to drink c) drinking 9) I need _________ her. a) helping b) help c) to help 10) Let me ______ you. a) help b) to help c) helping 11) My wife promised __________ my favourite dinner. a) to cook b) cook c) cooking 12) I hope ________ her. a) meeting b) to meet c) meet 13) She decided _______________ smoking. a) to give up b) give up c) giving up 14) I enjoy ___________ sport every day. a) to do b) do c) doing 15) I might ________ an actor. a) to become b) becoming c) become 16) She will not come to your party. She may _____ enough time. I'm not sure. a) to not have b) not have c) not having 17) How long ________________ ? a) have you been married b) has you been married c) did you married 18) You ____________ talk loudly in the library. It is not allowed. a) don't have to b) mustn't c) shouldn't 19) Have you ever _____________ Indian food? a) try b) tried c) to try 20) Whose book is it? a) It is mine! b) It is my! c) It is mine book! 21) Whose car is it? a) This car is her. b) This car is hers. c) This car is hers car. 22) There ________ many kids in the park. a) is b) - c) are 23) Could you give me _________ apples, please. a) those b) this c) that 24) Today is______________. a) 8th of June b) 8d of June. c) the 8th of June. 25) My father is _________________ in our family. a) the most tallest b) tallest c) the tallest 26) I don't like this film. It is so _________ a) boring b) bored c) bore 27) I worked a lot. I'm so _________ a) tired b) tiring c) been tired 28) Your school is ____________ than mine. a) the best b) better c) good 29) Yesterday I ___________a lot of fruit. a) eaten b) ate c) have eaten 30) Куда Анна cобирается поехать этим летом? a) Where is Anna will go this summer? b) Where Anna is going this summer? c) Where is Anna going this summer? 31) Look at _______. a) sky b) a sky c) the sky 32) I have _______ things to do. a) a little b) a few c) much 33) What______________ last weekend? a) What you did last weekend? b) What were you do last weekend? c) What did you do last weekend? 34) This book - that book. These books - __________ books. a) these b) those c) there 35) Something that you have in the restaurant after your dinner. A waiter brings you usually. What is it? a) a bill b) a cheque c) a bank statement 36) Tell me three forms of "to drink" a) drink - drank - drunk b) drink - drunk - drank c) drink - drank - drank 37) Tell me three forms of "to buy" a) buy - bought - bought b) buy - buyed - buyed c) buy - bought - buyed 38) Did you ______________________ when you were younger? a) used to smoke b) use to smoke c) using to 39) Я хочу, чтобы ты приготовил завтрак. Please, translate a) I want to cook you breakfast b) I want to cook breakfast for you c) I want you to cook breakfast. 40) Она не позволяет мне курить дома. a) She doesn't allow me to smoke in the house. b) She doesn't allow me smoking in the house. c) She doesn't allow me to smoking in the house. 41) Я не рекомендую эту книгу. a) I don't recommend reading this book. b) I don't recommend to read this book. c) I don't recommend to reading this book 42) Ты знаешь какой фильм они смотрели вчера? a) Do you know which film they watched yesterday? b) Do you know which film did they watch yesterday? c) Do you know which film they did watch yesterday? 43) Paris is the city __________ I was born. a) when b) where c) what 44) I don't know ________ bag it is. a) whose b) when c) where 45) Как ты думаешь, Марк был вчера на вечеринке? a) How do you think Mark was in the party yesterday? b) How do you think did Mark was in the party yesterday? c) How do you think was Mark in the party yesterday? 46) Кто знает правильный ответ? a) Who knows the right answer? b) Who does know the right answer? c) Who is know the right answer? 47) Если я поработаю сегодня 2 часа, я пойду в кино вечером. a) If I will work for two hours today, I will go to the cinema. b) If I work for two hours today, I will go to the cinema. c) If I will work for two hours today, I go to the cinema. 48) Если ты поговоришь с ней, я буду очень счастлив. a) If you talk to her, I will be happy. b) If will you talk to her, I will be happy. c) If you talked to her, I will be happy. 49) Когда закончится фильм, я пойду гулять. a) When the film finishes, I will go out. b) When the film will finish, I will go out. c) When the film finish, I will go out. 50) Эта книга была написана Достоевским. a) This book was written Dostoyevsky b) This book was written by Dostoyevsky c) This book wrote Dostoyevsky 51) Это мороженое было съедено мной a) This ice-cream ate me b) This ice-cream ate by me c) This ice-cream was eaten by me 52) Ты знаешь, в какое время они пришли вчера? a) Do you know at what time they came yesterday? b) Do you know at what time did they come yesterday? c) Do you know at what time did they came yesterday? 53) Мы не встречались с тех времен, когда мне было 6. a) We haven't met for I was 6. b) We haven't met since I was 6. c) We didn't meet since I was 6. 54) Хороший - лучше - лучший a) good - better - the best b) good - gooder - the best c) good - best - the best 55) Красивый - более красивый - самый красивый a) beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful b) beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful c) beautiful - beautifuler - the beautifulest 56) Дальний - более дальний - самый далекий a) far - farer - the farest b) far - more far - the most far c) far - further - the furthest

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