a unit of energy contained in food - calorie, any substance that the body takes out of food to use - nutrient, a substance that adds colour or flavour to food - additive, a substance that is very sweet - sugar, iron, calcium and magnesium - minerals, substances found in pasta and bread that give the body energy - carbohydrates, a substance found in meat, fish and eggs that is important for helping people grow - protein, a substance found in oil and butter - fat, substances found in fruit and vegetables that help the body fight infection - vitamins, a mineral used to make food taste better - salt, food that is not cooked - raw, vegetables are kept in very low temperature - frozen, Indian food is usually very ........ - spicy, vegetables produced naturally, without pesticides - organic, meat that is hard to eat - tough , food that contains lots of additives - processed, meat that is sof and easy to eat - tender, junk food is very.... - unhealthy, food with no extra flavour - plain, vegetables that are just grown, ready to eat - fresh,

Food and nutrition

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