1) How long ......... people ......... superstitions? a) have people had b) has people had c) have people have 2) Probably since the world ........... ! a) begin b) began c) begun 3) For thousands of years , people .......... for ways to explain why certain things happen.  a) had looked b) has looked c) have looked 4) The superstitions of the evil eye ....................  in Greece since the ancient times. a) has existed b) have existed c) existed  5) The ancient Greeks ................... that some people could have a bad effect on others just by looking at them. a) has believed b) believed c) have believed 6) Since then, Greek people ................special bracelets with a blue 'eye' on them to protect them from evil.  a) worn b) have worn c) has worn

The History of Superstitions ( Pulse 2 page 89 , Exercise 5 )


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