It was 4:00 in the morning and David was in bed. He woke up because he heard something in the kitchen. Something or someone! - It's frightening or He's frightened, Olga saw a nice dress in a store. She asked the clerk the price. The dress cost $3,000! - It's shocking or She's shocked, Pierre really wanted to see the new Superboy film, but he didn’t like it much when he watched it. - It's disappointing or He's disappointed, Sophia was carrying her coffee and ice cream to her table in the café. She fell and the coffee and ice cream went on the floor. - It's embarrassing or She's embarrassed, Alex bought a book about the history of France. It was full of really interesting information. - It's fascinating or He's fascinated, Sara was waiting for a bus. It was raining and the bus was late again. - It's annoying or She's annoyed, Alberto smiled at the joke. It was kind of funny. - It's amusing or He's amused, The parents came into their son’s bedroom. Usually the bedroom was very messy but not this morning. - It's surprising or They're surprised,

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