Blackout - An episode which a person is able to function but has no conscious awareness of their behavior at that time, or any later memory. Usually associated with alcohol consumption, Intoxication - Use of a substance that results in maladaptive behavior, Korsakoff Syndrome - Alcohol intake that results in a chronic thiamine or vitamin B deficiency, Polysubstance Abuse - Abuse of more than one substance, Spontaneous Remission - Natural recovery that occurs without treatment of any kind, Tolerance - The need for increased amount of a substance to produce the same effect, Tolerance Break - Very small amounts of a substance will produce intoxication, Withdrawal Syndrome - Negative psychological and physical reactions that occurs when use of a substance is ceased or dramatically decreased, 12-Step Program - Based on the philosophy that total abstinence is essential and that alcoholics need the help and support of others to maintain sobriety, Tapering - Administering decreasing doses of medication, which is essential with barbiturates to prevent coma and death that occur if stopped abruptly, Substance Abuse  - Can be defined as using a drug in a way that is inconsistent with medical or social norms and despite negative consequences,

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