Your mom doesn't like to ride the bus, __________?, My uncle likes to watch football, _________?, My brothers always watch Youtube, __________?, Penguins don't fly, ______________?, Bears are scary, __________?, Laura and Robert are from Monterrey, ____________?, Cancún is a state in the United States, _________?, I like to sing, __________?, I am not a fast runner, _________?, We don't have class on Saturdays, ________?, We will have an exam next week, _________?, We can ask questions in class, ________?, My cat is sweet, ___________?, You study English, ___________?, It's a beautiful day, _________?, It's not too cloudy, _____________?, Your dog's name is Lobo, ____________?, You're from Oaxaca, ___________?, She studies journalism, _________?, You don't like that kind of music, _________?, The concert last night was great, _________?, She hasn't been on TV, _________ ?, Sitcoms are amusing, _________?, He didn't come to the party, _______?, They have read the news, _________?.

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