...(meet) somebody famous?, ...(try) something extreme?, ...(break) a bone?, ... (pass out)?, ... (win) a competition?, ...(eat) something dangerous., ...(dye) my hair a strange color, ...(fall down) in public, ...(break) a bone, ...(build) something cool, ...(scream) during a scary movie, ...(sleep) for more than 16 hours, ...(open) Christmas presents early, ...(burn) myself with a curling or straightening iron, ...(eat) food that fell on the floor, ...(be) in a car accident, ...(spit) in public, ...(blame) somebody else for something bad you did, ...(eat) a bug, ...(spy) on my neighbors, ...(ride) in a limo, ...(lie) about my age, ...(make) a prank call, ... (have) food come out my nose, ...(lock) my keys in my house/apartment, ...(get) lost, ...(do) skydiving, ...(crash) a party, ...(lose) my cellphone or wallet, ...(fail) a class, ...(get) in trouble with parents.


Bảng xếp hạng

Vòng quay ngẫu nhiên là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

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