What's the word that corresponds to the definition "happy and feeling good" ? - cheerful, What's the word that corresponds to the definition "sure that you can do something well"? - confident, How would you define the word "depressed"? - very sad, How would you define the word "energetic"? - very active, How would you define the word "exhausted"? - very tired, What's the phrase that corresponds to the definition "feeling unhappy or angry"? - in a bad mood, How would you define the phrase "in a great mood"? - feeling very happy or pleased, How would you define the idiom "laid back"? - calm or relaxed, with a tendency not to worry about anything, What's the word that corresponds to the definition "worried or frightened about something, and unable to relax"? - nervous, What's the word that corresponds to the definition "more calm and less worried"? - relaxed, What's the word that corresponds to the definition "nervous and anxious"? - tense,

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