advantage / disadvantage, bullet points / keywords, it is a very interesting time / exciting time, the apprentices are on-boarded, to use up = aufbrauchen, We've been weighing up the pros and cons / we've been considering it for a while, shallow, relate to something - "I can relate!" , independent - I can work independently, overwhelming , arrow , I’m not sure how to proceed / move ahead , push - away from you , pull - towards you  , it’s a lot of effort , to lead by example, apprenticeship , if you carry on - weitermachen , we worked _______ (gut), it is already a big project / it is still a big project , we ran out of material / time / ideas, to neglect - vernachlässigen , currently / at the moment , source of ignition , to prevent explosion , risk of explosion, social belonging - not an outsider , chemically produced / processed food / highly processed food , food intolerance , they can’t tell the difference - sie erkennen/ merken den Unterschied nicht, He’s been keeping animals as long as I can remember - We've / I've been ____ing as long as I can remember.

SDPK workshop_grp H

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