W: How many people is it? C1: There are three of us. W: And ____ you booked? C1: No. Is that a problem? W: No, but ____ you mind waiting? C1: How long? W: Maybe ten or fifteen minutes. C2: OK. That’s fine. C1: ____ I change the baby somewhere? W: I’m afraid we don’t have any special facilities. You can use the toilet. It’s not very big, ____. C1: That’s OK. W: It’s just at the end there, ____ the stairs. W: Is this table here OK? C1: Yeah, this is fine. Thank you. W: ____ you like a high chair for the little girl? C1: That’d be great. Thanks. He’s actually a boy, ____! W: Oh, I’m so sorry! Anyway, here are your menus. I’ll get the chair. W: ____ you ready to order? C1: Not ____. ____ you just give us two more minutes? W: Yes, of course. C2: Right. OK. ____ I have the grilled squid for starters, please? And for my main course, I think I’ll ____ the chicken. W: Uh-huh, and what ____ of potatoes ____ you like? C2: Roast potatoes, please. W: OK. C1: I’ll go for the aubergines ____ with rice for my main course, please. And the soup of the day? ____ it contain any meat? I’m vegetarian. W: Yes. I’m afraid it’s ____ lamb in it. C1: Oh, OK. Well, I’ll just ____ the tomato and avocado salad, then. And ____ we get some water as well? W: Of course. Sparkling or ____? C1: Just ____ water, please, if possible. W: Sure. C2: And could we have a small plate for our son? We’d ____ to share our dishes with him. C1: Oh, dear – what a mess! C2: I’ll get the waiter. Er, excuse me. I’m really sorry, but ____ get us a cloth, please? My son’s dropped some water on the floor. W: Certainly madam. I’ll just go and get one. C2: Thank you. W: ____ you like to see the dessert menu? C1: I’m OK, thanks. I’m really full, but if you want something … C2: No, no. I ____ eat another thing. It was lovely, though. ____ I just have a coffee, please? C1: Me too. Thank you. C1: ____ we have the bill, please? W: Yes, of course. C1: Great. Thanks. C2: That’s very reasonable, isn’t it? ____ we leave a tip? C1: No, look. Service is ____. C2: Wow. Then that really is good ____ for money. We should come here again sometime.

OUTCOMES A2 U4L2 additional

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