Risk - it is a measure of the magnitude of the damage in a dangerous situation., Analysis - It is the process of breaking down a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it., Society - Grouping of individuals that occurs both among humans and among some animals., Threat - A natural or human-caused process that can endanger a group of people., Corruption - Existence of a fact, action or omission that implies the transgression of a normative system., State Abandonment - The phenomenon that manifests itself in the most remote regions of the country, through the ineffectiveness or non-existence of public institutions, which means that its inhabitants suffer daily needs., Social inequality - It is the condition by which people have inequitable access to valued resources., Poverty - The condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, clean water, sanitation facilities, health, housing, education and information., Social Movements - An informal group of individuals or organizations whose purpose is social change., Public health - Set of activities organized by public administrations, with the participation of society, to prevent disease.,

Vulnerability in Colombia

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