1) Something unwanted or unexpected that MIGHT affect the dependent variable if not controlled before conducting the experiment. a) Confounding Variable b) Extraneous Variable c) Independent Variable d) Operationalised Variable 2) a method of poll selection that gives each person in a group the same chance of being selected a) Mathed Participants b) Convenience Sampling c) Stratified Sampling d) Random Sampling 3) A method of assigning subjects to groups in which pairs of subjects are first matched on some characteristic and then individually assigned randomly to groups. a) Matched Pairs/Participants b) Independent Groups c) Repeated Measures d) Tinder 4) difficulty with initiating or obtaining sleep or excessive sleepiness a) Parasomnia b) Dysomnia c) Sleepaphobia d) Night terror 5) is equal to a BAC of 0.05 a) 14 hours of sleep deprivation b) 15 hours of sleep deprivation c) 24 hours of sleep deprivation d) 17 hours of sleep deprivation 6) Where the sleep-wake cycle is disrupted and we can find it difficult to adjust and function at our best in the new time zone a) Jetlag b) Shiftwork c) Insomnia d) Dysomnia 7) the biological clock; regular bodily rhythms that occur on a 24-hour cycle a) Ultradian Rhythm b) Circadian rhythm c) Puberty Rhythm d) I got Rhythm 8) occurring during deep sleep, an episode of moving around or walking around in one's sleep a) Somnabulism b) Night Terror c) Circadian Phase Disorder d) Narcolepsy 9) Highly adaptive for ancestors; quiet and still helped avoid danger and predators at night. a) Evolutionary Theory b) Decay Theory c) Restorative Theory d) Survivor Audition 10) - Somatic nervous system & Autonomic System are divisions of which nervous system? a) Peripheral b) Parasympathetic c) Central d) Orbital 11) Involuntary/Auto reactions such as heartbeat /internal organs are all controlled by a) Somatic NS b) Parasympathetic c) Autonomic NS d) Peripheral 12) Afferent Neurons are also called  a) Motor Neurons b) Sensory Neurons 13) A fake treatment used in research a) Plactego b) Placebo c) Playdo d) Placecard 14) Any characteristic or event that reduces the likelihood of mental health issues: a) Predisposing Factor b) Precipitating Factor c) Perpetuating Factor d) Protective Factor 15) repeatedly thinking about undesirable thoughts and feelings, without acting to change them. a) Obsessive Compulsive b) Rumination c) Classical Conditioning d) Re-uptake 16) Inhibitory Neurotransmitter (useful in dealing with anxiety) a) Cortisol b) Glutamate c) GABA d) Adrenaline 17) Excitatory Neurotransmitter (useful when learning) a) GABA b) Glutamate c) Cortisol d) Dopamine 18) Long lasting strengthening of synaptic connections a) Synaptic Pruning b) Long Term Potentiation c) Long Term Depression d) Synaptic Supply 19) Stimulate neurotransmitters functioning a) Antagonist b) Agony c) Agronomy d) Agonist 20) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a mentally healthy person? a) High levels of Social Wellbeing b) High Levels of Functioning c) Avoidance d) Resilience 21) neurotransmitter with a distinctive shape that precisely matches the shape of the receptor site on the postsynaptic neuron a) Synaptic Transmission b) Synapse c) Lock and Protein receptor process d) Lock and Key Process 22) A significant loss of dopamine neurons in substantia nigra can cause a) Korsakoff Syndrome b) Parkinson's Disease c) Alzheimer's d) Dementia 23) A type of therapy that aims to alter thoughts and behaviours associated with certain practices a) CBT b) RBT c) QBT d) BBT 24) A neurodegenerative disease that is characterised by memory decline a) Parkinson's Disease b) Concussion c) Alzheimer's Disease d) Coma 25) A short acting  anti-anxiety medication a) Epiniphren b) Benzodiazine c) Nor-Epinphrine d) Dopamine 26) The end of the neuron that release a neurotransmitter into the synapse a) Axon Terminals b) Axon c) Synapse d) Dendrite 27) High Frequency, Low Amplitude Brain waves indicating altertness a) Theta b) Delta c) Beta d) Alpha 28) A device that detects, amplifies & records electrical activity of the body's muscles a) EOG b) EEG c) ECG d) EMG 29) Encoding new info by meaningfully linking it to info already in LTO a) Narrative Chaining b) Elaborative Rehearsal c) Chunking d) Serial Rehearsal 30) Occurs at the end of the experiment and involves the researcher making sure there is no lasting harm to participants a) Withdrawal Rights b) Informed Consent c) Confidentiality d) Debriefing 31) An experimental procedure in which both the experiment and the participants do not know which conditions a) Single Blind b) Double-Blind c) Matched Participants d) Counterbalancing 32) A response caused by a conditioned stimulus a) Unconditioned Response b) Conditioned Response c) Neutral Response d) Ilicit Response 33) An individual's ability to adjust or change their coping strategies according to situation a) Adaptability Reflexiveness b) Resilience c) Coping flexibility d) Cumulative Risk 34) A brain structure which encodes explicit memories a) Amygdala b) Hippocampus c) Medulla d) Brain stem 35) A types of explicit memory which consists of general knowledge and facts a) Episodic b) Semantic 36) A process of piecing together information from memory to form a representation of a past event a) Reconstruction b) Recognition c) Reproduction d) Jigsaw 37) Negative punishment where something is removed to discourage behaviour a) Negative Reinforcement b) Response Cost c) Positive Reinforcement d) Token Economy 38) The initial process of evaluating a potentially incoming stressor a) Secondary Appraisal b) Secondary Assessment c) Primacy Effect d) Primary Appraisal 39) A type of learning that occurs through the actions of watching a model a) Classical Conditioning b) Operant Conditioning c) Observational Learning d) 40) The return of a previously extinguished learned response a) Stimulus discrimination b) Spontaneous Relearning c) Spontaneous Extinction d) Spontaneous Recovery

VCE Psychology 2022 Unit 3 & 4 Exam Revision


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