1) I baked a ________for the party. a) cayke b) cak c) cake 2) Please ___________ the window with windex and clean it. a) sprae b) spray c) sprey 3) Which one is NOT a pattern for long a? a) a b) a_e c) ai d) a_i 4) What does long a sound like? a) a like apple b) a like acorn 5) What is a rhyming word for mail a) hall b) lake c) sail 6) What long a pattern does day have in it? a) a_e b) a c) _ay 7) _ay usually comes at the________of a word. a) beginning b) end 8) Does plant have long or short a a) long b) short 9) True or False: Long a says its name a) True b) False 10) True or False: cap and cape have the same vowel sound. a) True b) False

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