Adjacent side - The side of a right-angled triangle next to the reference angle that is not the hypotenuse, Axis of symmetry - A line that divides a figure into two identical parts (mirror image), Bi-modal - Data that has two modes, Census - When an entire population is surveyed, Circumference - The perimeter of a circle, Congruent - Exactly the same in size and shape, Gradient - The measure of a line's steepness, Hypotenuse - The longest side of a right-angled triangle, opposite the right angle, Linear graph - A straight line-graph, Mean - The average value of a set of data, Median - The middle data value when put in order, Mode - The most frequently occurring data value, Negative skew - When a set of data is not symmetrical, Perimeter - The distance around the outside of a shape, Perpendicular lines - Lines that intersect at right angles to each other, Polygon - A many-sided or many-angled shape, Positive skew - When a set of data is not symmetrical, when the long tail is on the right side of the medianf , Principal - The initial amount of money borrowed, Prism - A three-dimensional shape, Acute angle - An angle less than 90°, Algorithm - A step by step solution, Corresponding angles - When two lines are crossed by another line, the angles in matching corners are called corresponding angles., Cosine - The length of the adjacent side divided by the length of the hypotenuse.,


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