1) What did you eat _______ morning? a) last b) yesterday c) ago 2) I _______ write when I was 4 years old. a) didn't can b) can't c) couldn't 3) This man _______ my money while I was queueing! a) steal b) stolen c) stole 4) Where _______ you born? a) were b) was c) did 5) Oh no! I left my passport _______ the bus. a) in b) on c) at 6) Oh no! I _______ this word in English! a) forgot b) forget c) remembered 7) WANTED. What is the sound? a) /d/ b) /id/ c) /t/ 8) I lost my passport _______ I didn't go to Italy a) although b) so c) because 9) What _______ the weather like yesterday? a) was b) did c) is 10) I never have breakfast _______ Monday morning. a) on b) in c) at 11) I was born _______ the 22nd of February a) in b) on c) at 12) Mary doesn't have a boyfriend _______ she's a pretty girl a) although b) because c) so 13) I was in the museum _______ a) last afternoon b) 3 days ago c) on 2019 14) WALKED. What is the sound? a) /d/ b) /id/ c) /t/ 15) Mark could _______ English when he was 10 years old a) spoke b) speak c) speaks 16) I went to my grandmother's _______ Easter a) in b) on c) at 17) We were waiting for Megan _______ the airport when they announced this news. a) at b) on c) in 18) At 8.45 last Saturday I _______ in my office. a) worked b) was working c) working 19) Although she tried to stop the car, ________ she hit the man. a) but b) so c) - 20) She _________ a car accident when she was driving home. a) had b) haved c) was having 21) Mark’s not back yet – he’s still _______ university. a) at b) in c) on 22) I saw this film but I _________ it. a) don’t liked b) didn't liked c) didn't like 23) I forgot my gloves _________ a car. a) on b) in c) by 24) The sun _________ when I left for work. a) were shining b) was shining c) shone

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