1) He’s missed so much school that he’s going to find it hard to __________. a) level off b) catch up c) get away with 2) My husband’s _________ was completely different from mine. a) upbringing b) disclosure c) disorder 3) Young people especially find it difficult to________ death. a) get away with b) cope with c) catch up with 4) There is no doubt that stress can ________ physical illness. a) seek b) lead to c) lack 5) Women still do the________ of domestic work in the home. a) bulk b) average c) flip side 6) How can he __________ speaking to her like that? a) level off b) cope with c) get away with 7) The castle was ___________ the ‘pink palace’. a) boosted b) dubbed c) led 8) He was beginning to show symptoms of sleep ______________. a) impairment b) average c) deprivation 9) Littleton used to be a _________ market town. a) fruitfully b) thriving c) lacking 10) Cognitive _________ can present extreme challenges for independence and for care in the community. a) impairment b) disorder c) ill

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