We can report a crime there. - POLICE STATION, We can buy some food there. - GROCER'S / GROCERY, We can buy fruit and vegetables there. - GREENGROCER'S / GREENGROCERY, We can borrow a book there. - LIBRARY, We can buy a book there. - BOOKSHOP, We can wait for a plane there. - AIRPORT, We can save money there. We can rob it, too. - BANK, We can go there when we have a health problem. - HOSPITAL / DOCTOR'S, We can get on a bus there. - BUS STATION, We can watch trains there. - TRAIN STATION, We can learn new things there. - SCHOOL, We can walk a dog there. You can have a picnic there, too. - PARK / FOREST, We can leave our car there. - CAR PARK, We can send a letter from there. - POST OFFICE, We can have a dark hot drink and some cake there. - CAFÉ, We can eat there. - RESTAURANT, We can learn about old things there. - MUSEUM, We can enjoy artwork there. - GALLERY, We can watch a film there. - CINEMA, We can buy food and toys for pets there. - PET SHOP, We can buy bread, pies and cakes there. - BAKERY, We can send letters or buy stamps there. - POST OFFICE,

Places in a Town Vocabulary + Definitions

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Lật quân cờ là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

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