She was fired for____corners. We started arguing over a silly thing and suddenly, things got out of ____. I know it looks weird, but ____ Jamie the benefit of the doubt. You're being a pain in the ass! Can't you just let your husband ____ the hook this time? I've always wanted to learn French and cook for a living. If I take this opportunity in Paris, it would be like having the best of both ____! Susan is not coming to work today because she was feeling a bit ____ the weather. I hate Steve! He's cheap, self-centered and, to make matters ____, he is cheating on Emily! The meeting went wonderfully! I decided to break the ____ with a joke, and everyone laughed! After that, it was all cool. Stop answering his texts! Just give him the cold ____ and he'll learn not to mistreat you! Miranda knew that she wouldn't get the job, so she threw caution ____ the wind and decided to come clean about her pregnancy.

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