1) Gustavo _________ a new watch, he wears it to school a) has got b) hasn't got 2) Mike and Brenda_________posters on their walls. There are lots of photos a) have got b) haven't got 3) We ________ a TV in our living room. It's in the kitchen a) have got b) haven't got 4) Robert's house _________ a green door and it's open a) has got b) hasn't got 5) Be careful! Our dog ______ small ears and big teeth a) has got b) hasn't got 6) I ________a shower in the bathroom. There's a bath a) have got b) haven't got 7) Raymond _______ a big family. There are three big sofas in their living room a) has got b) hasn't got 8) We _________English today. We've got Spanish a) have got b) haven't got

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