I'll always ... that / delicious / because / so / meal / remember/ was / it, It was the most enjoyable party she had ever been to. FUN She had never ... a party., I ... in / noisy / can't / place / a / study / such, This is the best meal I've ever eaten. GOOD I have .... meal before., My ... such / friend / best / jokes / funny / makes , She spoke too quickly for us to understand her. THAT She spoke .... could not understand her., It was ... us / of / for / be / together / all / such / to / fun, We all felt hungry because the organisers didn't give up enough food. LITTLE The organisers provided us ... that everyone felt hungry., I'm glad ... you / long / such / time / to / after / a / see, He was given a good grade because he gave an excellent answer to the question. ANSWERED He ... the question that he was given a good grade., What a pity ... football / spectators / match / at / few / were / so / the / there, It's hard to sleep with such noisy neighbours. NOISE The neighbours ... that it is hard to sleep..

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