1) Choose the biggest animal: a) a dog b) an elephant c) a blue whale d) a horse 2) Choose the smallest country: a) Finland b) France c) Belgium d) Liechtenstein 3) Choose the most expensive thing: a) bread b) a house c) a tent d) an aeroplane ticket 4) Choose the fastest means of transport: a) a bike b) a car c) a bus d) an aeroplane 5) Choose the poorest country: a) the Czech Republic b) the United States of America c) the United Kingdom d) the Central African Republic 6) Choose the highest mountain: a) Sněžka b) Mont Blanc c) Mount Everest d) Denali 7) Choose the longest river: a) the Amazon river b) the Vltava river c) the Danube river d) the Mississippi river 8) Choose the most imporant for you: a) my family b) money c) health d) my friends 9) Choose the scariest for you: a) a spider b) darkness c) heights d) a clown 10) Choose the best school subject for you: a) English Language b) Czech Language c) Mathematics d) P.E.

Superlatives Quiz

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