1) I ran out of candy, so I had to start handing out ______. 2) I ain't afraid of no ghosts, but I AM afraid of ______. 3) Attack of the killer _____s. 4) ______. Worst. Costume. Ever. 5) I put a spell on you, and now you're _____. 6) Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet, Give Me ______ to eat! 7) ______. The stuff nightmares are made of. 8) ____ made me pee my pants from sheer terror. 9) "I wish it was Halloween everyday!" said, _____. 10) Never say, "_____". It's a death wish. 11) I was too scared for The Haunted House, so I used _____ as an excuse. 12) ______. That's what I want written on my tombstone. 13) Why can't I fall asleep? 14) If I had a supernatural power, what would it be? 15) The best hipster costume was _____ this year. 16) _____ will haunt my dreams tonight. 17) Y.O.L.O. Unless you're ______ 18) What did Zuzia, Lena, Maja and Kaja buy at the witches convention? 19) As the blood oozes from my fatal wound, I utter my last words: _______. 20) Don't you dare say "_____" thrice in the mirror. 21) And to cast my first spell, I say the magic words: _____. 22) Ahhh! I'm lost in a corn maze shaped like ______. 23) The secret ingredient to my Halloween punch, you ask? Just a splash of ______. 24) When Klara and Maja went trick or treating what costumes were they wearing? 25) "All work and no play makes Bartek a ______." 26) What's in the box? What's in the box? WHAT'S IN THE BOX?! 27) I'm not superstitious, but if ____ ever crosses your path, you get seven years bad luck. 28) I almost dressed up as Spiderman, but went with Plan B: _____, instead. 29) What did Kacper wear to the Halloween costume party? 30) All Hallows Eve has been cancelled this year due to _____. 31) Of all the Halloween treats, _____ gives me the best sugar rush. 32) ______. Do not feed after midnight. And don't get them wet. 33) The Disney Channel proudly presents: _______: A Halloween Musical. 34) Mmmmmm...Pumpkin-flavoured ______! 35) Here's our zombie escape plan. 1. _____, 2. ______. 36) Nothing beats a haunted _____ on All Hallows Eve. 37) Help! I'm trapped in the basement with _______ 38) What happened when Jan and Michal opened the coffin in the basement?

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