1) British students ___ wear uniforms at school.  a) have to b) has to c) doesn't have to d) don't have to 2) Taxi drivers sometimes ___ work at night.  a) has to b) have to c) don't have to d) doesn't have to 3) Lawyers ___ people with the law. a) doesn't have to b) don't have to c) has to d) have to 4) A plumber ___ grow crops and milk cows. a) has to b) have to c) don't have to d) doesn't have to 5) Office workers ___ work on the farm. a) don't have to b) have to c) doesn't have to d) has to 6) A scientist ___ do experiments. a) have to b) has to c) doesn't have to d) don't have to 7) Cashiers ___ give change to customers.  a) have to b) has to c) doesn't have to d) don't have to 8) A nurse ___ help people with the law. a) has to b) doesn't have to c) have to d) don't have to 9) Farmers ___ grow crops and milk cows. a) doesn't have to b) has to c) don't have to d) have to 10) A manager ___ give instructions to the workers.  a) have to b) has to c) doesn't have to d) don't have to 11) Sports centre managers ___ fix leaks. a) don't have to b) have to c) has to d) doesn't have to 12) Engineers ___ build bridges. a) doesn't have to b) has to c) don't have to d) have to

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