1) Apple falling from a tree a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 2) Running on the track, slowing down as you finish the race a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 3) Apple hanging from a tree a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 4) Boat floating on still water a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 5) 2 Newtons of force left and 2 Newtons of force right a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 6) 4 Newtons pulling left & 4 Newtons pushing left a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 7) 4 Newtons of force left and 5 Newtons of force right a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 8) A car accelerating a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 9) A car going 100 mph down the interstate a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 10) A meteor flying through space at 100,000 mph a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 11) A meteor accelerating as it enters Earth's atmosphere a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 12) Always causes acceleration a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 13) Always allows an object to maintain its speed a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 14) constant speed but changing directions a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces 15) Earthquake caused by a) Balanced Forces b) Unbalanced Forces

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces


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