a curriculum vitae / CV - (UK) a short account of one's education, career etc;, a resume - (US) a short account of one's education, career etc;, to dismiss - to remove or discharge from employment; to sack [colloq.], an employer - a person or firm who employs people, an employee - a person employed, an interview - an oral examination of an applicant for a job, to make redundant (UK) - to dismiss because of not being needed, a maternity leave - the time off work for a woman who's just had a baby, a perk - a perquisite; something additional to regular salary [eg: free meals; a car], a personnel officer - the manager responsible for recruitment, training and welfare of personnel, to job-hunt - to actively look for employment, a vacancy - an available job, an intern - a recent graduate who is learning about the business and may be working for low pay or for free,

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