Present perfect continuous for a recent completed activity when the effects are still relevant - You can see she's been swimming, her hair's still wet., Past simple for a state in the past - I knew almost everyone at the party., Present perfect continuous to suggest that an activity is temporary - Carol's been working here for the last few weeks while Chloe's away having a baby., Present perfect for an action repeated up to the present time - I've only worn that shirt three times since I bought it., Present perfect continuous to emphasise that an action has been going on for a long time  - I've been having driving lessons for months but I'm not getting any better., Past simple for a habit in the past - All my friends at school played football, not rugby., Present perfect for a completed single action, with some relevance to the present - I've just seen Carrie, she sent you her best wishes., Past simple for a finished event that happened at a specific time in the past - Harry's birthday party didn't end until three in the morning., Present perfect continuous to suggest that an activity is not complete - They've been building that house for ages and it's still only half finished.,

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