weird - unusual in a way that might disturb you, odd - unusual in a way that attracts your attention , original - new, interesting and different from anything else, innovative - new and advanced  (has the idea of being ahead of its time), inventive - new and creative, impressive - admirable because it is very good, remarkable - unusual in a way that surprises or impresses you, striking - attracting your interest or attention (usually positive, but not always), functional - designed to be good at doing a particular job , practical - useful or suitable, user-friendly - easy to use or understand; often used for technical equipment , childish - silly and annoying, like a small child. It’s always negative, silly - can also mean annoying like a small child, but has other meanings too: not intelligent or serious, not important, not practical, unimaginative - unable to think of new and interesting things, conventional - usual or traditional,

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