1) Unit 1 - Are you ready? a) Yes b) No c) I am afraid not 2) ..................... she go to the gym? a) Are b) Do c) Does 3) Taj Mahal in India is one of ……………………. Buildings in the world. a) The most beautiful b) More beautiful c) Less beautiful 4) English language is ………….. than Arabic. a) the easiest  b) easier c) easy 5) Online newspaper is ............ popular than print newspaper. a) least b) more c) most 6) Ahmed is ............... in the class. a) faster b) the fastest c) fast 7) iPhone is .......... expensive than Nokia. a) most b) least c) more 8) My bicycle brakes need to be ………… a) checked b) check c) checks 9) The computer technician fixed the …………….. laptop. a) crack b) cracked c) cracks 10) We had …………. This film before they came. a) saw b) seen c) see 11) ( the internet / has / working / been / ? ) (Unscramble the question) a) Has the internet been working? b) Has been the internet working? c) Has the internet working been? 12) she / manicured / her nails   (Change into causative form) a) She is having her nails manicured. b) She has her nails manicured c) She had her nails manicured 13) He will repair the car.  (Change into causative form) a) He will have been the car repaired. b) He will have the car repaired. c) He will have the car repairing. 14) -( closed / the / was / account / ? ) (Unscramble the question) a) Was the account closed? b) Was closed the account? c) The account was closed? 15) ( Asthma / cyber / networking / posted / virtual ) the odd word is: a) virtual b) cyber c) asthma 16) Ahmed is causal and relaxed in life. He is ……. a) Obsessed. b) Spontaneous. c) Laid back. 17) Khalid likes to spend time by himself and to be alone. He is a …………… a) Obsessed. b) Straightforward c) loner 18) I am going to ………….. a game from the game store. a) waste b) download c) spend 19) Unique / Extraordinary - related to / mean: a) special b) difficult c) logical 20) Hold on means: a) stop b) call me c) wait a moment  21) Funny means: a) someone who makes people laugh b) someone who likes to be alone c) someone who doesn't like to plan 22) how on earth? means: a) how can you do it? b) how is it possible? c) how to stop it? 23) ( asthma / paramedics ) related to: a) special b) computer c) health 24) someone who likes to do exciting things is: a) dangerous b) adventurous c) hurftul 25) Unit 2 - Are you ready? a) Yes b) No c) I am afraid not 26) These books will ………….. at the weekend. a) be published b) published c) been published 27) -( reopened / has / the store / been ) (Unscramble the passive sentence) a) The store has been reopened. b) The store been has reopened. c) The store reopened been has. 28) He had been ………. in Makkah for 5 years when he moved to Jeddah. a) living b) lives c) live 29) They used to …………. sports and study together. a) had played b) play c) be played 30) Omar …………….. overweight. He didn’t use to be slim. a) Used to b) Used to be c) would 31) He ……….. to the hospital yesterday. a) went b) go c) gone 32) I was …….. TV when the phone rang. a) watched b) watch c) watching 33) They stole the car. ( change into passive) a) The car has been stolen. b) The car had been stolen. c) The car was stolen. 34) Sara has done the job. (change into passive) a) the job was done by Sara. b) the job will be done by Sara. c) the job has been done by Sara. 35) My brother and I would ..... to the gym when we were children. a) go b) went c) gone 36) Tomorrow, the thief ____________________ to prison. (send) a) has been sent b) will be sent c) was sent 37) -(robber / thief / burglar / kidnapper ) are related to: a) health b) crime c) reptiles  38) The police are looking for the ……………. He has dark hair and was wearing a green shirt. a) victim b) grim c) suspect 39) My brother fell on the …………. at the skateboard park and broke his wrist. a) pavement b) sheet c) coincidence  40) You have to be alert when you are traveling. Tourists are an ………….. a) easy reason b) easy friend c) easy mark  41) That watch is valuable. You should have it ……………. a) broken b) fled c) insured 42) easy mark means: a) grim b) suspect c) likely victim 43) misdemeanor means: a) a huge crime b) a minor crime c) a difficult crime 44) I am positive means: a) I am trying b) I am happy c) I am certain. 45) nabbed means: a) cracked b) stolen c) broken 46) A man tried to ____________________ my car today! He told me to get out of the car, but I locked the door and sped away. a) hijack b) kidnapping  c) killing 47) He has been an ____________________ at that prison for ten years. a) author b) patient c) inmate 48) Unit 3 - Are you ready? a) Yes b) No c) I am afraid not 49) I like this nice café. It is really cozy. 'cozy' means: a) Warm and comforting b) Diffierent and special c) Big and refreshing 50) Jazan is famous for its ……………… fruits. a) tropical b) logical c) helpful 51) (Book/sunglasses / water bottle /toothbrush) the odd word is: a) sunglasses b) book c) toothbrush 52) That is so difficult to understand .………………. a) I don't write it b) I don't pronounce it c) I don't get it 53) Imagine yourself relaxing on a pristine beach in Maldives. 'pristine' means: a) Not warm b) Not spoiled c) Not clean 54) One of the earth’s problems that reduces the level of oxygen is cutting trees or ……………. a) deforestation b) exploration c) discussion 55) alternative means: a) another choice or option b) another color c) another example 56) circular means: a) triangle b) line c) round 57) stunning means: a) extremely dangerous b) extremely delicious c) extremely beautiful 58) crummy means: a) great b) bad c) difficult 59) drag means: a) a disappointment  b) a sheet c) a discussion 60) red eye: a) in the morning b) overnight c) in the afternoon 61) lush means: a) small and cleaned  b) wild and warm c) green and fertile 62) -………… , I am disappointed in the quality of the clothes. a) very b) frankly c) so 63) The room is not big .......... a) very b) enough c) so 64) I am going to ……………… to Jeddah. a) travel b) traveling c) travels 65) ……….. is he going to leave? Next month. a) when b) where c) who 66) ....... are the boys going to go? to Jeddah a) who b) when c) where 67) ....... is going to see them at the station? Her mother. a) where b) when c) who 68) I am hungry. Maybe I …….. eat pizza, a) will b) am going to c) am 69) ( the / is / enough / bright / light / ? ) (Unscramble the sentence) a) is the bright light enough? b) is the light enough bright ? c) is the light bright enough? 70) I have no money at all . (use absolutely)  a) I have absolutely no money at all on me. b) I absolutely have no money at all on me. c) I have no money at all on me absolutely 71) extremely / That road //dangerous./ is a) That road extremely is dangerous. b) That road is dangerous extremely. c) That road is extremely dangerous. 72) Unit 4 - Are you ready? a) Yes b) No c) I am afraid not 73) to plan something secretly or a story a) plot b) sheet c) carpet 74) something is difficult to understand or solve a) version b) puzzling c) sample 75) Ther are going to .......... this TV show to an audience........... a) broadcast b) scan c) create 76) I hate this show. It ....... me a) enjoys b) bugs c) evaluates 77) You are watching too much TV. Don't be such a ........... a) couch b) couch tomato c) couch potato 78) The invention was clearly different. It was ......... a) helpful b) distinct c) hurtful 79) To have a model to test a new machine ( car / phone ...) a) affluence b) patent  c) prototype 80) affluence means: a) having a lot of money b) having a lot of tasks c) having difficult time 81) Please give that book _______________ me. a) for b) to c) on 82) Could you buy some fruit _______________ me at the store? a) in b) to c) for 83) I promise that I’ll write an email _______________ you every day that I’m away. a) for b) to c) in 84) Ahmed lent his car to a teacher. ( rewrite the sentence differently) a) Ahmed lent a teacher his car. b) Ahmed lent his car for a teacher. c) Ahmed lent his car a teacher. 85) Could you give the remote control to me? ( rewrite the sentence differently) a) Could you give the remote control me? b) Could you give me the remote control? c) Could you give the remote control for me? 86) Matt gave his fans pictures. ( rewrite the sentence differently) a) Matt gave pictures his fans.  b) Matt gave pictures to his fans. c) Matt gave his fans for pictures. 87) ........ moon is beautiful today. a) a b) - c) The 88) I saw .......... tiger. / ....... tiger is dangerous. a) a/the b) the/a c) a /- 89) Ahmed had seen ......... lions. a) a b) - c) the 90) Ahmed is the teacher ............ works next to me. a) which b) where c) who 91) This is the TV show ......... is great. a) which b) who c) where

General Revision - Mega Goal 2.1

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